what will be salery for a per who complet bba in a university
a cost element is used for some cost center but only in some case like discount allowed particular internal order should be picked? can any one help me?
How do I access the drupal admin panel, when the login block is disabled?
Which material is piezoelectric?
What is resource injection?
Explain the importance of join() method in thread class?
How would you define the exponents for a type ‘f’ field?
How do I create a double bar chart in excel 2016?
how much need cement bags for block work of wall approx 1000 hollow blocks 20x20x40cm
Define an associator in adabas?
Can I use two ng class?
which book we learned this mantis? how many version are realsed this mantis upto now?
Mention what are different tableau files?
How many threads can jvm handle?
If a air condition consume 2.50 to 3.00 amp then how much it will consume in watts if it is running 10 hours out of 24 hours????