Explain how to close periods in ar. : oracle accounts receivable
What is session?
Can I use kali linux for daily use?
How to prepare finalization accounts?
Is tomcat a web container?
How do ng models work?
Please explain what is mvc and why do we use it?
Which is the most stable linux distro?
how you will find an error which is not in the first page of the subfile without using rolldown key?
Explain the difference between int and int32?
Please provide details of the following standards :rs-23-c 802.3 x.25 802.11?
Which command will show you free/used memory?
Has factoring been getting easier?
How does SAP PO facilitate seamless integration between different systems and applications?
in my project..TEST is db2 8.1 version In PROD it is 7.1 if i do REORG in TEST.. can I use the same REORG jcl with out modification in PROD region (this is DB2 8.1 )? if not, what modification i need to do in my REORG control card?