I have Laptop. I want to assign DHCP ip address, but in my Laptop having Wireless and with wire NIC cards, it is possible to assign reserve ip address for both NIC card, but same host name?
4 9205Post New AOL Linux Commands Interview Questions
Define hybrid parameter?
What is a companion object in scala?
Tell me is it possible to convert a part of term life insurance into permanent life insurance? : insurance sales
If short circuit ratio is high is it bad or good for a machine then tell the reason...
what is meant by search report of the company n why is it prepared?
where to do the user related (personal) settings?
What are the software requirements for drupal installation?
what is inheritance and an example in vb.net and c# of when you might use it?
Which transaction code can I used to analyze the performance of ABAP program.?
How do you display xml with xslt?
Define MSIL, and how does it works? Why our developers need an appreciation of it if at all?
A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes of each denomination is equal. What is the total number of notes that he has ?
For which nematode problem would you suggest use of a genetically resistant cultivar and why?
Explain hard disk and what is its purpose? : .NET Architecture