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Kanbay Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the difference between and "stdio.h"

14 54002

what is the institute that has defined the QA

1 4466

what is compliance testing

6 8294

Difference between next and continue clause

4 8314

What is the option that is used to erase all unprotected fields during a SEND MAP operation?

5 13967

Translation Time is not reduced if the Pre-compilation is done first(True or False).

1 4269

What is Buddy testing?

14 48524

What is the relation between Garbage collector and finalize and destructor?

2 9585

what are Obligatory and Optional properties in Winrunner? what is the use of those explain in detail..

2 4947

What is the TSL function in WinRunner to connect to test director?

1 7445

what is the difference between web based application and client server application as a testers point of view?

9 36393

In Object Repository, two actions r there. Action1 name is A.tsr, Action2 name is B.tsr. Is it Possible? if Yes, what is the out put of A+B? if No, why?

2 6159

KANBAY PLACEMENT PAPERS -------- Placement Paper 1

2 7938

Is there any procedure of web-site development in manual testing. If yes what are factors we should test?


which is the latest versions of winrunner ,qtp, test director companies now using in real time?

7 11636

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Un-Answered Questions

What does session lock () method do in hibernate?


Diff between IF and where ?


Does spring boot use dispatcher servlet? : Spring Boot


What is analytical snapshot? : salesforce reports and dashboards


What do you understand by the term process studio?


how to shutdown mysql server? : Sql dba


how to configure oracle 10g in java1.5 and tell me know how to set class path in system?


What is rmode(24)


What is the significance of ctr?


What do you understand by the cashless economy?Does it have any pros and cons?


What are the default record and field delimiter used for hive text files?


What reactions cause safranin to stain plant tissues red?


Your client wants to improve her ad position. What would you recommend?


What is teaser in drupal ?


How do I insert blank rows in excel when values are changed?