What is the difference b/w OVI Solvents and Residual Solvents in case of Gas Chromatogaphy and What is its Detection Limit?
8 37222tell me about a time when you had to use youe presentation skills to influence someone opinion.
1652tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were rquired to priortize your tasks.
1643tell me about a time you were able to succesfully deal with another pwrson even when that individual may not have personally liked you
1783What is role of indirect taxation mangaer(in term of Excise, Custom, Service tax, Income tax, CST, VAT and other applicabe laws)
1612Post New Jubilant Organosys Interview Questions
Explain drupal architecture?
State the cause of error for insufficient privilege access in a partner community with external users. The user has proper owd and profile settings for any object.
As you are working with cmmi level 5 company ,can you tell me what processes you r following as QA engineer?
Explain the use of global variable $ in Ruby?
Can you mention some features of spark?
How to remove duplicates from javascript array?
Tell me in php, objects are they passed by value or by reference?
Is struts efficient?
What are the various ways of session supervision in servlets?
You are the project manager for a construction company that is building a new city and county office building in your city. You recently looked over the construction site to determine if the work to date was conforming to the requirements and quality standards. Which tool and technique of Quality Control are you using? A. Performance measurements B. Inspection C. Sampling D. Prevention
Explain about the encoding style attribute?
How do we create a client in the mm module?
How do we create a folder by using activity?
you want to link to a layout set. What abap 4 commands will you use?
How does gpp relate to photosynthesis?