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ABC Interview Questions
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What is datagrid?

6 13356

How many types of session in asp.net2.0

28 63163

Hi All, I have QTP installed on my machine but the application under test (AUT) is on remote desktop (i.e. I first connect to remote desktop from my machine in order to run the application). I am able to record the script successfully with QTP running on my machine and application running on remote. However, when i run the recorded script, system fails to run it and indicates me that it does not identify the object. Is it possible to record and play while QTP and AUT are not on same machine?

7 16188

how will i sell a refrigerator to an eskimo?

41 116171

What is Alpha and Beta Testing?

37 180629

Questions about your fiance's family? Like about her brothers/sisters, if they are married? If your fiance's lives alone or with someone? About your fiance's parents?

1 4721

How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project

3 9662

In general, how do you see automation fitting into the overall process of testing?

1 4914

The largest lake in India is: (a) Dal Lake (b) Wular Lake (c) Pushkar Lake (d) Badkhal Lake

14 22573

Union Bank of India Bank Clerical Examination July 2005 Question Papers

19 48756

Bank Clerical Exams, Model Paper

36 214647

why i join syntel?

23 55294

The formula for rust is: (A) FeO (B) Fe2O3 (C) Fe3O4 (D) Fe2O3 xH2O

6 17844

Bank Clerical Exams Model Questions...

125 489089

What network u used ?

2 6280

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ABC Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to redirect to another page using jquery?


List the interfaces which extends collection interface?


What is the difference between swing and awt in java?


What happened if C.T mount at any cable or Bus bar in wrong direction . C.T going on proper work or not . C,T direction is essential thing to properly work.


What is hplc techniques in experiment a?


What are the co> operating system’s assorted library of integrated components?


What are the applications of cad?


What is the benefit of nationalization on Indian Banks?


Define what kind of cleaning substance or treatments keep or help prevent cast iron from rusting?


How do I kill a python server?


what are constraints? : Sql server database administration


How do I know if my ssd is faulty?


You are a project manager for Dakota Software Consulting Services. You're working with a major retailer that offers their products through mail-order catalogs. They're interested in knowing customer characteristics, the amounts of first-time orders, and similar information. As a potential bidder for this project, you worked on the RFP response and submitted the proposal. When the selection committee received the RFP responses from all the vendors bidding on this project, they used a weighted system to make a selection. Which process did this occur in? A. Source Selection B. Solicitation C. Requisition D. Contract Administration


Mention how to create a cookie using vbscript?


How does combination of functions reduce memory requirements in embedded systems?