How to retrive the data from 3rd scroll, using traversing. any one can help with the clear syntax
4 24460Post New Amtex Interview Questions
Tell us three headlines from today's newspaper
What is buffer pool in the db2 database?
What is the physical storage length of date data type?
What is struts xml?
What is an asynchronous controller in mvc?
What do you mean by @synthesize and @dynamic in the objective-c?
What are literals?
Explain primary key, foreign key and unique key?
Can we collect statistics on table level?
Why do you need cost element accounting? : co- general controlling
Write a query to create a duplicate table with and without data present?
What is hyper text markup language (html)?
What is process scheduler information?
Describe the objective of multiprogramming.
What happens to objects lost in "unreachable" memory, such as the object returned by Ob->new() in `{ my $ap; $ap = [ Ob->new(), $ap ]; }' ?