How can i communicate with two systems one is located some place another is located 100km how from the current systems which protocala i have to use
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What is shell scripting in python?
What is dialect in hibernate?
Can you explain self relative source binding in wpf?
How to select a database?
What do you know about the case sensitivity of apache pig?
Is critical speed temperature dependent or speed dependent or both?
Explain guest os in microsoft azure?
How the query from BW is used?
Which FM do you use to find out who is reporting to whom
How to determine the EDTA content by potentiometry titration in Ceftriaxine sodium
What is the difference between delete and truncate command in dbms?
Explain how can we use your machine learning skills to generate revenue?
kernel executes the first process when system starts
What is the difference between xylem and phloem?
How to list all tables in the database using odbc_tables()?