Post New Winsol Solutions Cloud Computing General Interview Questions
Which is better sqlite or mysql?
What is early and late Binding?
What is power control?
Can arraylist hold duplicates?
What are the best linux system programming interview questions you've ever asked or been asked?
details of oil cell size of Breakdown voltage test of tranformer oil details as per Standardswith mushroom electrodes?
What is the difference between html and xhtml?
What is 'important' declaration?
What is the role of database management system?
What are validation rules? : salesforce validation rules
Risk Analysis a) 2 step, b)3 step, c) 4 step, d) 6 step
What is dao used for?
Service Program : S1 Modules in S1 : M1 M1 having two procedures : ADD, SUB Current Binder Language STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT) EXPORT SYMBOL("ADD") EXPORT SYMBOL("SUB") ENDPGMEXP Doubt: I need to add one new Module to the Service Program M2 having one procedure ‘MULT’ How to add this new module to the service program S1 ? If I need to recreate the service program again, Do I need to mention the Module M1 again while recreating along with new Module M2? There is no Binding Directory. Binder language structure will be like this STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT) EXPORT SYMBOL("ADD") EXPORT SYMBOL("SUB") EXPORT SYMBOL("MULT") ENDPGMEXP STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*PREVIOUS) EXPORT SYMBOL("ADD") EXPORT SYMBOL("SUB") ENDPGMEXP
why we use connect-soap and can we use it to connect external database
oil field interview question