we need tech specs of HP fan cap 50,000 m3/Hr, Pressure o.5-0.7 Bar for blast furnace at steel plant
1157Post New Despro Technologies Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
How can you differentiate between angular expressions and javascript expressions?
Where session variables are stored?
Explain goto expr?
What is shark?
What is a .ddf file and what does it have to do with sharepoint solution creation?
Explain how can return codes be tested before execution of a job step?
Compare ‘postgresql’ with ‘nosql’?
How are models attributes stored in backbone.js?
How to move a drupal site from one host/server to another on your new host?
What do you understand by the term group policy objects (gpo) and list the different types of gpo
Mention the different types of dbms.
What is difference between map and hashmap?
How can I use a preprocessorif expression to ?
Is hgroup deprecated?
List the difference between asynchronous and synchronous transport?