What are jdbc and its components?
Mention some common errors that are usually committed in sas programming.
What is bind and rebind in db2?
Why to use figure tag in html5?
How do you check if two strings are equal in java?
How do you indent?
What causes Circular References?
What are the reasons for the budget amounts not appearing on fsgs.
Why do we use angular instead of react js?
How can we fetch related contact records by querying on account object?
Ram retired from partnership. The partners with mutual consent agreed to put the capital balance as on the date of retirement as loan to the firm @ 18% pa. The credit balance to his capital account was Rs 325000/- Pass necessary entry
Define ‘man made fibers'?
Where?s global assembly cache located on the system? Can you have two files with the same file name in GAC?
Can I turn article photos off?
What does it mean to flush a file?