What adjustments will you have to make in transitioning from the private sector to the public sector?
What is the difference between a Stack and a Queue.
Can we define the size of arraylist?
What is a model class in android?
What is actions class in webdriver
What is the most eye pleasing font?
What is state? What is the difference between states and viewstack in flex? : adobe flex action script
Can I update my version of android?
What is difference between rand () and srand ()?
Describe the structure and contents of a design document, or a set of design documents, for a multi-tiered web application.
Hi, I have a requirement for locking the fax field in user master records. As you know user can edit the details using the System>profile>own data (SU3), it is causing some security threat to our model. What i want is users should not be able to change the fax field under communications when they get into su3.I have heard of user Exist functionality but don't know how to implement it. Can you suggest something, it will be greatly appreciated.
Name some databases that qlikview can connect to?
why would you segregate the tables in a replication configuration? How would you do it?
What are the applications of cycloconverter?
What is a Folder?