Difference between Workflow Vs Dialogue?
why you are become a medical representative
What aspects are managed by maven?
Can you modify the private ip address of an ec2 instance while it is running in a vpc ?
Is it possible to write a c++ template to check for a function's existence?
At 50 Centigrade (Diesel oil) what is its cast?
Can a table contain multiple foreign key’s?
How do I create a wsdl file?
What are the benefits that sql can bring for you? : hana administration
Explain when you can use . And when you can use []?
What is pivot table used for?
What is php oops concepts?
We bought some machines from Singapore (capital goods), payment made in rupees. but the invoice value is mentioned as USD. 1. party ledger shows (debit side) amount in rupees. now i need to make purchase entry. 2. shall i want to convert USD to rupees? 3. if i do like that the party ledger will be differ.. 4. somebody pls tell me the way to make purchase entry.
Difference between fixed length and variable length records.
How do I pull data from one excel sheet to another?