. India is a secular state because (1) All religions are equally protected (2) State has no religion of its own (3) There will be no discrimination on grounds of religion or caste (4) All the above
8 48737Post New Rani Medical Interview Questions
What are qualifiers and modifiers c?
What happens spring?
What is the exit function in c++?
List some use cases of apache kafka?
What does ac voltage controller mean?
Differentiate between GDP and GNP?
One of the optimizing technique to improve the session performance is push down optimization,by using push down optimization we push as much as transformation logic to source/target database,but this degrades the d/b performance,how to overcome this?
What is the difference between Const and Val?
What are the two ways to add constraints to a route?
What is unix and its components?
how to dump a table to a file with 'mysqldump'? : Sql dba
What is burnt-out point ?
Define demand factor?
i have done M.S. in organic chemistry and now i got admission in M.B.A. (human resource management) for usa college.my one sister is in london and another sister is in USA ,i am refused for visa becoz of them ,they said i won't come back after study.
What is basic concept of operating system?