Which one of the following mountain ranges is situated between Narmada and Tapti (Tapi) reivers? 1 Satpura Range 2 Vindhya Range 3 Aravalli Range 4 Ajanta Range
1 24830I am about to face the interview panel of Indian army for UES(for more details put this address http://www.freshershome.com/jobs/index.php?post_id=15715) This is basically a post for engineering job in Indian army? This is an on campus interview. Kindly help me out with some tips or the type of questions I am about to face. Thanks.
5 56221In Indian Army, there is arms and services Division. Please List all the ARMS AND SERVICES with explaination. If Eg: Corps of Engineers Means?... like this i need all the Information about this please send me.
1686i am going to face the gd round for the ues exam ,going to be conducted in our college campus by indian army soon so i just want to know that which kind of technical questions are usually asked in the interview after gd ..???
1 4437Programming in C
1. Which of the types listed below can be the type of the
result value returned by a user-defined function?
A) int
B) double
C) char
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
2. What is the output from this program?
Post New Indian Military Services Interview Questions
What is xss and csrf?
test scenarios for downloading a file
Give some examples of old LIS and new equivalent LO?
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Do lists start at 0 or 1 java?
temp of cast resin 1500kva tx formerwent up to 138.c but came down very fast to about 100.c within 20 mins when load was reduced from 70% to 60%
Test a function that reads a file into memory, say ReadFileToMemory( FILE * pFile, BYTE * pMem, DWORD numBytes)
Is it possible to Access BackEnd procedures?
what if I need to have the same application running on multiple platforms, such as unix and the mainframe? Does that mean I have to maintain two separate sources?
What is the difference between nsstring and string?
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How does mongodb sharding work?
What is the latest version of magento?
There are five different methods to store persistent data. They are: shared preferences. Internal storage. External storage. Network and __?
Apply Newton?s method to compute the approximate value of root 2. Start the iteration from x0=1, and obtain two iterations.