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Nutanix Puzzles Interview Questions
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5. There are e 3 jars of diferent sizes. one jar holds 8 liters of milk, the other 2 jars of 5 liters and 3 liters are empty. there is no measuring level or marks in all the jars. Jugle between these 3 jars and get 2 jars containing 4 liters each at the end.

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Nutanix Puzzles Interview Questions

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How to create packages in java?


Is c sharp open source?


Generation of voltage for each phase are same of a turbogenerator.Although the short circuit current flow when two phase of turbogenerator are shorted(where current can't flow without potential difference),why?


--------------Explain Table of contents?


What is the difference between angularjs and angular 2?


Hi SD Gurus, Have you generated any customized Pricing Reports for your client? If you have done then list out all the customized Pricing Reports for your client? Please do not attach much importance to theory and do concentrate more on Business Scenario where in the client was insisting on customized reports rather than Standard Pricing reports? Give detailed Configuration& Customization Procedure, steps, Path, T-codes (if any), Analysis, logic & finally solution to your Client’s requirement along with detailed explanation? Please give solutions with reference to your real time data examples from your client/ Project? This question related to Pricing is most important as it is being asked more frequently in many Interviews? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards


Explain about map and their types?


What is pointcut in spring?


Which column of the user triggers data dictionary view displays the database event that will fire the trigger?


Does mongodb database have tables for storing records?


which of cannot be automatically outputted by the trace action? : Adobe flash


What mail program comes with windows 10?


Describe the treatment options and preventive measures for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with rheumatic conditions.


What are the advantages of c preprocessor?


What is functional interface in javatpoint?