Differentiate between residual payment and part payment.
Explain the two uses of blocking an account? : fi- general ledger accounting
What is the use of document reversal in sap system? : cost center accounting
What is bootstrap in mvc?
How do I clear a mysql database?
What is a method signature c#?
What are the forms and conditions under which alcohol is of value for microbial control?
What is netlib for clipper?
How often do you read the paper or watch the news on TV? How important is it for you to keep up with current events?
What is utm firewall?
Is razor pages replacing mvc?
Explain the use of bootstrap used in zend framework?
What are the options for hierarchy node variables?
If you are using two select queries and retrieving data. how do you access second query's result set using data reader?
What is the use of slug in laravel?