Explain me industrial minerals?
C++ supports multiple inheritance. What is the “diamond problem” that can occur with multiple inheritance? Give an example.
How do you insert a footer in excel?
Explain how ‘pp’ is ‘integrated’ with other modules?
Why bootstrap is preferred for website development.
How to extract data from a sap abap system?
How can you compare Hadoop and Spark in terms of ease of use?
how a choke of tubelight can be used to increse reciving power of antina?
Explain value categories
Write down the code for save an uploaded file in php.
if a.c supply is given to the motor,, what happen?
Write a program of prime number using recursion.
What is the profit for product ‘xyz’ for country usa?
Tell me what is docstring in python?
What is session storage and how can you create one?