hi is there any means of deletin a record from a ps usin cobol not using jcl?eg if i am reading a record and if some condition is matched tat particular record must be deletd fom the ps
5 14665hai friends ,i have HSBc exam on this sunday,my platform is Mainframe,i have 1 year exp,pls any one send me placement papers of Hsbc and technical questions on mainframe
6 22502hello friends ,i have exam in Hsbc,pls any on send me placement papers and technical questions on mainframes,thank u
1846Post New iNautix Interview Questions
What programming languages are you able to use in selenium rc?
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To validate a range of values for a property whenever the property values changes,which type of property procedure you use?
Which infotype maintain relationships between objects?
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What are the core api’s of kafka?
What is the Main Difference between ACCESS and SQL SERVER?
How do I make my wordpress blog visible on google?
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How do you think you can make a contribution to Buffalo Wild Wings?