What is homogeneous array?
How to sendKeys in QTP? Diff b/w sendkeys and device replay? Diff b/w function and Sub? Diff b/w Array and List Different Types of running Keys other than Fast, slow,Normal mode Regular expression for http://newtours.demoaut.com Difference between \w and \W How to generate script button Recording Types Different Types of Actions? Using DP performance degrades, If Yes why? How to close all the opened browsers? Diff b/w SystemUtil.Run and invoke application? If qtp not recognized the combo box How to select values from drop down?
Is it possible to declare or create a cursor for update of table? If no tell me why?
Typically, where is the conventional directory structure chosen for Oracle binaries to reside?
What function does data dictionary perform?
Which is better mysql or ms access?
What is client administration in sap system? Why do we use multiple clients in sap system?
Write a program to find the max value from a list without using max()?
How to check if value is sent in request?
To maintain the secrecy of the affairs of a customer is obligatory on the part of the bank, but sometime it may not be considered essential. Discuss.
how we findout a ignater is faulty or not?
What Was The Comprehensive Assessment?
Users are not being allowed on the system. The following message is received: ora-00257 archiver is stuck. Connect internal only, until freed. What is the problem?
What is get_object_or_404 in django?
What is the standard flow of execution of a test case?