What is the latest version of ubuntu?
Define a strong name in .net?
Currently I do not have any automation in place in my project, but now I want to implement automation, what would be my steps?
What is the use of group by clause?
What functions are used in excel?
how does it support the integration?
Tell me what is list group in bootstrap and what is the use of it?
What is microstrategy desktop?
How do I change system32 permissions in windows 10?
Expalin the way you implement inheritance by using VB.NET/C#?
What is #temp and @table variable in SQL server?
Have you purchased any product from Amazon.in?
A individual advocate recievs legal fees. is he liable to pay service tax @ 12.36% on it?
what is boxing and unboxing?can we initialize unboxing directly?
for giving the salary in terms of cash to an employee for what minimum amount revenue stamp is reqired to paste the vouceher? up to what limited revenue stamp is required?