Who introduced English Education in India? (A) Lord Metealf (B) Lord Macaulay (C) Lord Clive (D) Lord Dalhousie
19 54220Post New IIIT General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
What is the difference between an analyst and a data scientist?
How to call one constructor from the other constructor ?
What is class ab operation?
How c functions prevents rework and therefore saves the programers time as wel as length of the code ?
Explain any one pressing equipment.
How do you merge on microsoft word?
Which equation gives the relation between specific rate (k) and temperature?
What do you understand by fuel cycle in nuclear plants ?
Why are iron cores in transformers made laminated?
The basel commitee was formed in which year?
How do you half a page on word?
Explain how to retrieve property settings from XML .config file.
what is the use of psapundo tablespace? what is the error ora -01555 represents.how can u prevent this error?
What is peek in stack?
What is zookeeper server?