How you’d control permissions through Profile?
How much ram can 64 bit windows 10 use?
Explain about httpruntime.cach.get(); method?
Laying bitumen concrete 40mm thick using 0.1372 cum of 13.2 10mm metal ,0.2387 cum of 10 5mm metal...what did it means please explain me how much cum of 10 mm metal need?
In top-down inductive learning methods how many literals are available? What are they?
Mention what is the difference between yarn and thread?
How do you specify a custom attribute for the entire assembly (rather than for a class)?
What is time complexity of sorting algorithms?
What are the Color reduction techniques for graphics?
what are the Differenct Types of Procedures in VB?
What is a j2ee container?
Tell us how to perform right click using selenium webdriver?
What characterizes von Neumann computing?
diffrence betveen base rate and bplr
Name any two gateways that can be deployed in RPA?