What is the transaction code to display the payroll results ? : abap hr
How do you assign the warehouse number?
What does ipc stand for in banking?
Tax jurisdiction processing is a close link between which two modules?
What are different types of states exist for a thread?
What is TOM in QTP?
how do I determine if objects are going into daos?
Explain what a condition table and an access sequence are and the relationship between them?
How did you test the form you developed? How did you taken print?
What is selector swift?
What is server in j2ee?
Does godaddy support drupal?
what is meaning of inverted beam.is it way to provide double mat in slab one at bottom and another at topif we go for provision of inverted beam. shall we construct structure with out plinth beam for us we have to construct small bus shelter
What is a thin client and thick client?
MY name is Bartlemou (bartek for short)Uzeph Kazmeria I am from poland and one day i want to go on polsfactors IM POLISH AND I KNOW IT :D