what is the different in Total ash, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic or non alcoholic ash?
9671Post New GHI Interview Questions
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What is the proper termination rate for utp cables?
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What are the three core languages in web pages?
Explain asset accounting? : fi- asset accounting
Why do we need integrity constraints in a database?
what is the most permissible winding temp when we conducting a generator load test?(condition no load)
What is substitution variable?
Why do we use classes in c++?
What is an Higher-Order Function (HOF)?
What is year end closing? How do you perform a carry forward commitment? : cost center accounting
What are the additional productivity features and enhancements included with Quartus II software version 6.0?
What is the procedure to implement structural authorization in BW?
What are the different zkclientbindings?
How do you rename a table in sql?