I am going to face an interview for lecturer for Management Faculty. Please suggest me the questions & their answers for preparation.
10 108645Post New Lecturer Interview Questions
What is initvalue() in a table and in a form?
Differentiate between vector and array list.
What are the levels of batch, explain batch determination process?
Which is better field cad/cam in mechanical or film editing/animation is better salary wise?
Define object spy ?
Which is the rarest marsupial?
What are the various types of constructors?
Explain the term entity in dbms?
lanfree node drive paths are offline, what are the actions you will take?
Why we use LINUX?
What is difference between informatica power mart and power center?
What are the f keys on my keyboard?
What is flask used for in python?
Do I need antivirus with windows defender?
What is the procedure to know whether the customer is one-time or regular?