What is ado.net architecture?
How can you increase the maximum execution time of a script in php?
What are triggers? Why do we use them? Diff types of triggers? What are magic tables?
What do you know about a pipe? When is it used?
differance between radix sort and radix exchange sort
Can we defined a class without a constructor in ooabap ?
define muckrakers.
Does mysql case matter?
Can you change size of array once created?
How do I create a conditional formula in excel?
Is asp net front end or backend?
What are some of the most significant deals this bank has completed in the last 12 months?
Which commands are used to pause and un-pause (resume) an instance?
What are the different methods of session management in servlets?
How could we start writing testcases without having the FRS,BRS Docs? My Project has some docs that are related to explain the operations which will be done in the application. It is deployed in UAT server and is a maintainance project. Tell me some technipues or best way to provide the quality to application?