if i am reading a file with some 50000 records and moving to
a DB2 table and suddenly the program abends in between, is
there anyway i could restart from the exact record at which
the job failed once the program restarts.

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if i am reading a file with some 50000 records and moving to a DB2 table and suddenly the program a..

Answer / raja

Yes . we can restart the job by using the restart. if it
abends in the middle, we can find the record by looking
into the SQLERROD3.

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if i am reading a file with some 50000 records and moving to a DB2 table and suddenly the program a..

Answer / jai ho

You can use CHECK POINT-RESTART logic.That is nothing but increasing commit frequency .

STEP1: Create the CHECKPOINT-COMMIT record in the working storage section, to store the data, which is needed for the next unit of recovery.
STEP2: In the procedure division MAIN para: First check the restart status flag i.e. RESTART-IND of CHECKPOINT_RESTART table. If RESTART-IND = ?N? then if any output file existsopen output file in OUTPUT mode start the normal process end If RESTART-IND = ?Y? then Move the SAVE-AREA information to CHECKPOINT-COMMIT record if any output file exists do the FILE REPOSITION: Open the output file in INPUT mode. Repeatedly Read the output record and INSERT it into GLOBAL temp table FILE_POSITION_GTT Until the last unit of recovery write count. Close the output file. Open the output file in OUTPUT mode. open a cursor for a table FILE_POSITION_GTT repeatedly fetch a cursor and write the record information into the output file until end of cursor close a cursor end If input for the program is from cursor then skip the rows until COMMIT-KEY. If input for the program is from file then skip the records until COMMIT-KEY. End. Note: For more than one output files, delete GTT after repositioning each output file.
STEP3: Make a count for each Insert?s/Update?s/Deletes in RECORDS-PROCESSED-UOR variable.
STEP4: Go thro? the logic and find out the appropriate place where COMMIT WORK can be hosted. There check the frequency of COMMITS: IF RECORDS-PROCESSED-UOR > COMMIT-FREQ KEY (input) value of the programTO COMMIT-KEY MOVE checkpoint-commit record lengthTO SAVE-AREA-LEN MOVE checkpoint-commit recordTO SAVE-AREA-TEXT Update the CHECKPOINT_RESTART table with this information END-COMMIT
STEP5: Before STOP RUN statement; reset the RESTART flag of the CHECKPOINT_RESTART table. i.e. MOVE ?N? TO RESTART-IND Update the CHECKPOINT_RESTART table with the above information.

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