IBM MainFrame AllOther Interview Questions
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In the procedure division stmt OPEN OUTPUT FILE1. Which of the following is not true about file1. a) there must be a select clause for this file in the file-control paragraph of environment division. b) There must be an FD entry in the file section of the data division. c) The file name must appear in a WRITE stmt in the procedure division. d) There?ll be a CLOSE stmt in procedure division.


2 6183

pic S9(4) results 3 bytes1 A) comp B) comp1 C) display D) comp3


2 8176

Redefines clause cannot be used in a) working-storage section b) 77 c) 66 d) elementary


3 9167

88 level entry is for

Accenture, Cognizant, EDS, Wipro,

7 11921

If a=1 or 2 or 3 NEXT SENTENCE ELSE move a to b. a) if A not = 1 or 2 or 3 move A to B b) if not A = 1 and 2 and 3 move A to B c) if A Not = 1 and 2 and 3 move A to B d) if A NOT = 1 or NOT=2 or NOT =3 move A to B


2 6953

Total no of bytes in the following 01 rec-1 02 first-group 03 a1 pic x(4). 03 a2 pic 99. 02 second-group redefines first-group. 03 A3 pic999. 03 A4 pic 999. 02 third-group. 03 A5 occurs 5 times pic 99. A)22 B)16 C)12 D)10


3 6789

Determine the total no of bytes in the following 01 rec1 . 02 a pic x(6). 02 b redefines a. 03 c occurs 6 times pic 9. 02 d occurs 4 times. 03 e pic x(5). 03 f pic 999. a)38. b)44 c)14 d)32


3 7832

subscripting can be said as A) subscripting enables us to write a move compact code in the procedure division. B) subscripting enables us to refer to any element of a table by the same data name with the facility of identifying a particular element through the values of subscript. C) Subscripting reduces the no of entries to be included in the data division D) subscripting enables us to use loops in the procedure division


1 4748

01 A 02 B occurs 10 times 03 C pic 999. 03 D occurs 15 times 04 E pic 999. 04 F occurs 20 times 05 G pic XXX. 05 H pic 99. Determine the total no of byte in A. A) 175 B) 15480 C) 21750 D) 9065


3 8369

which one of the following cannot cause more than one execution of paragraph that may be nam in statement. A) simple perform B) perform with time C) perform until D) perform varying


3 5532

01 T1. 02 month-day pic x(30) value ?jan,31, feb,28, mar,31, apr,30, may,31, june, 30? 02 new-day redefines month-day occurs 6 times 03 A pic xxx. 03 B pic 99. What are the content of A(3) and B(2) respectively A)mar,31 B) Feb,28 C) 28, Mar E)Mar, 28


1 5771

which of the following is not true about search verb A) every search stmt must contain the AT END clause B) any no of WHEN clause can be used with this verb C) this verb can only applied to a table which is defined with the OCCURS clause and INDEXED phases. D) WHEN condition is satisfied


2 10707

which are the following verb can be used to manipulate the value of an index name A) ADD B) MOVE C) SUBTRACT D) SET


4 15416

GO TO stmt which of the following is not true A) GO TO stmt is not essential in the sense that it is possible to write programs without using GO TO B) The target of the GO TO stmt being a procedure name avoiding GO TO result in a program with no procedure name C) Indiscriminate use of GO TO stmt can make the control structure program substantially complex D) Too many GO TO stmts make a program difficult to understand

Accenture, IBM,

2 5501

how do we do unit testing in mainfrmae. explain step-wise.


2 15144

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hi.... anybody send real time project related questions & answers whatever will ask in interview me? advanced thanks....


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What is the worst thing that you’ve seen on a day?


how to display the negative numbers?


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Name the versions of ibm mainframes have introduced in the market?


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Differentiate between hdam and the hidam databases?