Natural Interview Questions
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What is Natural?


4 11875

syntax for all WRITE COMMAND in natural language

7 14125

what is the difference between read and find ?


2 14843

Types Of Read , FIND

2 7601

difference between fetch , call and callnat


3 21494

control variable in online screens

Mind Tree,

3 14000

ADABAS basic concepts. Like inverted list, address converter ,data storage


2 18670

What exactly is a hyperdescriptor? How does it work?

3 11637

what r the quality process in development

1 4746

How can I create 1 DDM that fetches 3 ADABAS files simultaneously?

5 12140

A field declared as P8 needs to be redefined as Alphanumeric. What would be its new size?

9 12970

Is it possible to declare a GDA for an external subroutine?

4 10527

Can we update with histogram?

2 8736

difference between read(1) and read work file once ?

3 8967

differnce between read work file 1 and read work file once? why we are using work file once?

4 16190

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Un-Answered Questions { Natural }

Explain how to move cursor to a particular field when position is not known?


How converted the natural coding for adabas


Explain why do we use file-aid for seqential files?


In a Natural program i used the below code for report FORMAT LS=132 PS=60 And down the line I want to change either LS/PS like FORMAT LS=120 PS=50, is it possible? How it will work?


How are you going to remove duplicates from the file that is being read?


Suppose you are processing an input file in a natural program and you want the program to fail if the file is empty. What command you use in natural to force it to fail?


Explain what happens when you issue a escape routine in a program? Will there be any compilation /run time erro?


Explain how many work file we can code in jcl?


Tell me what type of files we can process thru file-aid?


What happens when you issue a escape routine in a program? Will there be any compilation /run time erro?


What is the difference between read work file 1 and read work file once? Why we are using work file once?


How to receive data passed through jcl parm parameter in a natural program?


Explain is it possible to code goto statement in natural? If yes please provide the syntax of the same?


How to find occurrence of mu and pe fields in a file?


What is the difference between read(1) and read work file once?