why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
12 30944Post New HCL Interview Questions
Have you used sampling? What are the various types of sampling have you worked with?
What type of pump use in boiler F.O. system?
how you can install an extension in Joomla?
What is RBI's role in developing the Indian Economy?
What is the use of void pointer and null pointer in c language?
what do you understand by M25 concrete
Is linux really better than windows?
What is a singleton unity?
What is a socket?
Which is the fund that is created to be used as relief funds or bailouts packages.
IF a vendors charges WCT @8.75% what is the rate of TDs to be deducted against that? & can we take the Input of it?
What are the android activities?
What is the difference between nationalized and private banks?
What is the use of the super function in ruby on rails?
In a star schema, are foreign key constraints between facts and dimensions neccessary?