which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory

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which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?..

Answer / saravanan s

See Meenakshi,It is depends on the Requirement,

So the Conclusion is

Take a look on the table

(in bytes) (in bytes)

S9(01) 2 1
S9(02) 2 2
S9(03) 2 2
S9(04) 2 3
S9(05) 4 3
S9(06) 4 4
S9(07) 4 4
S9(08) 4 5
S9(09) 4 5
S9(10) 8 6
S9(11) 8 6
S9(12) 8 7
S9(13) 8 7
S9(14) 8 8

like that.........


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which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?..

Answer / ipl


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which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?..

Answer / santy

COMP is better that COMP-3 in terms of memory utilization.

check out below examples.

(in bytes) (in bytes)

S9(04) 2 3
S9(08) 4 5
S9(09) 4 5
S9(10) 8 6
S9(11) 8 6
S9(12) 8 7
S9(13) 8 7
S9(14) 8 8

hope it is useful.

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which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?..

Answer / ravi kiran

for lower boundaries comp is better , for higher boundaries
comp-3 is better.
in real time mostly comp3 is used

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which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?..

Answer / guest1

COMP values are stored as Binary format. So it is good to
use COMP.

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which is better comp or comp-3 in terms of memory utilization?..

Answer / i go crazy

COMP uses less memory compared to COMP-3 at word boundaries.
Ex: s9(04) COMP - 2 bytes.
s9(04) COMP-3 - 3 bytes.

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