what is the differ between 4.7EE and ECC5.0?
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Answer / sanjay
The diffrence in between 4.7 or ECC is related mostly to
Functinal point of view. from Basis related we have don't
have much changes excepts some advance usage of Trasaction
code screens.
and Brtools are available both in 4.7 Extension 2, and ECC 5/6
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Answer / kunal joshi
Major difrence between 4.7 & ECC 5.0 is In 4.7 only ABAP
stack is there and in ecc 5 apart from ABAP , Java is new
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Answer / shanmuga sundaram
ECC 5.0 is Netweaver technology, It has different ABAP and
JAVA stacks and Usage types(Portal,XI,BI) can be added at
initial level.
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Answer / mathan
The Main Difference between the 4.7 EE and ECC 5.0 and
above as follows...
The 4.7 Ee has both the Br tools and SAP DBA working and it
has only the ABAP Stack....
Ecc 5.0 has both the ABAP Stack and Java Stack but only the
BR tools works in the ECC Version and as all us know that
Kernel Version is different...
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i dont no the majar differrnc but 4.7 sapdba and brtools
will work but ecc 5 only brtools can work .
and 4.7 and ecc5 kernal levels will be different.
sravan kumar pendyala
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Answer / m.balarami reddy
The main Difference bn 4.7EE and ECC 5.0 is upto
4.7EE only ABAP stack and from ECC 5.0 onwards Java stack
added and from Kernel 620 from 4.7EE only using SAPDBA tool
to check the table spaces,, but in ECC5.0 relese from kernel
640 we are using BRTools .
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