why is netweaver known by XI,EP,BSP,WEBDYNPRO etc... what are these, are they embedded in NETWEAVER ?
3 10921What is the function of pipeline and pipeline interface in SOAP? How their functions are related to each other? And what is ICF service?
3 8008Hi,i am new to SAP i have Knowledge in SAP(ABAP)now i want to learn Netweavr can u plz sugist me it is use full r not? what r the basic thing to required ? (Usha)
7 11448Hi,i am basicaly M.Sc mathematics i have good knowldge in SAP ABAP,if i learn Netwaver ABAP, how the openings, can i have to learn any languages ? Plz (Usha)
4 6810i am searching on sap xi .please any help me what is roles and responsibilities of sap xi consultant in projects.thanks
1 4298if u dont mine .please send me sap xi consultant resume urgent .mail id:saivenkat.xi@gmail.com thanks in advance
1 5129Post New SAP Netweaver Questions
Explain the different types of instances in an sap system.
Describe what do you understand by sap netweaver proces integration.
How do you add a system to Transport domain?
Elucidate on the various facilities provided by sap enterprise portal.
What personalization functions does sap enterprise portal provide?
Why did u use the flag field in jdbc table?
How to identify lock table overflow issue?
How to you apply license for an abap stack of an sap system ?
Wt is the unit test and how will u done this unit test? Wt r the results did u get?
What are the difficulties faced in your project? And how will you overcome its?
What is the use of header mapping?
What is an update in terms of sap system? Explain.
idoc is sucess in ECC, and WE02 code is sucess and IDOC is not reached to PI system. what is reason.
Howmany interface you have developed?
How many processes exist in java application server? Explain.