SAP PS (Project Systems) Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What do you understand by Project ?

10 20677

How LSMW and BAPI works?

2 9575

What is Easy Cost Planning?

3 12912

What are settlement rules?


2 39382

What is milestone triggering?

2 7087

What is relationship?

2 6368

What is Gantt chart?

4 9920

What is Project planning board?

ABM, Hexaware,

2 7752

What is unit costing?

7 22314

What is Project Management?

A1 Technology, Aktiv, T systems,

5 9629

Please Let me know the "Process how do we convert business into sap"?


3 8774

My SAP system will be implemented in May 2008, how do i put past cost/ hours for a project which has started in january?

1 5429

Can anyone post the SAP-Project systems interview questions.


How can PS be linked to COPA? How will the settlement take place in this case (when PS is linked to Controlling through COPA)


7 23516

hi, how i can create a project, i am the new person to this field? how we can make print out , after making a project planning board? where i can check the all transactional codes serial basis?

1 3365

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP PS (Project Systems) }

Who is a stakeholder?


How do you ensure that the project doesn't go over budget?


What is work breakdown structure (wbd) and how does it affect the work estimates of tasks/activities?


Why does a pm need to be very proactive?


What are some techniques used for defining scope?


Is there any way by which we can lock two specific webs elements say overheads and other expenses, so that the user cannot release pr?


a new comer joined in ps consultant role, whats his first job and duty? how he can explain the project details to others? i requesting all the experienced consultants please post the your real time faced attitude and job based problems for getting the morality from you people. please post the answers


Explain gnatt chart


You want to stop the network from attaching further material after it is released. How would you do that?


What are the types of risks you may encounter in a project?


Explain wbs?


What is sap-project system?


What’s the need for process improvement plans?


Explain poject management


Are there distinct kinds of activities in a project?