1.What is Dependent co code & Business Area.
2.what is the diff b/w MIRO & MIGO.
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Answer / anirban basu
Miro mean Invoice verification, Which is comes from Vendon
for 3rd party sales processing and MIGO mean goods recipt
which is directly sent the goods from vendor to customer.
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Answer / krishnapriya
Company code is dependent and business areas are
independent in nature.
Me21n - Purchase Order
Migo- Goods Receipt
Miro - Invoice Verification
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Answer / nagesh
1. Company code is dependent and BA is dependent as BA ca be assigned to n no. of objects
2. we book goods receipts in MIGO t-code, & we book vendor invoices in MIRO t-code
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Answer / md irshad
Comapny Code & Business Area are belongs to Cost Center for
controlling the budget.
MIRO Transaction will use for making payment to the vendor
generraly we can say posting of Invoice.
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