Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr.
G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?

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Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / sai santhosh

g c reddy is not a public trainer, he is for only advanced

if you want more details visit his blog: www.gcreddy.com
thre you can get some QTP Information

Is This Answer Correct ?    79 Yes 9 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / rama swamy pulipati

gcreddy is a good trainer for qtp, but his orientation is
for non technical graduates his content is not
understandable, but for technical graduates like BTech, MCA
etc. is content is most suitable.
one of the good quality from g.c.reddy is:
through his blogs he is providing lot of information
his blogs are:
www.gcreddy.com for QTP
www.gcreddy.net for Manual Testing
www.gcreddy.org for LoadRunner

Is This Answer Correct ?    76 Yes 10 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / bhargava

gcreddy is a good faculty for qtp.

he has launched a website: www.gcreddy.com for providing QTP Information for his students. It is a useful blog, there we can get:
VBScript in qtp orientation

Is This Answer Correct ?    74 Yes 10 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / imran nazir

yes g c reddy is a good faculty for qtp testing tool. his site

www.gcreddy.com having lot of qtp script examples and documents.
from that site anybody can learn qtp.

he is also providing Public training at hi-Tech City in

Mr. G C Reddy has sound knowledge in:

Descriptive Programming

Vb Script

Web scripting

Excel scripting

GUI Scripting

and Designing and Implementation of Automation Framework

Is This Answer Correct ?    74 Yes 10 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / srinivas gadval

g c reddy is a good faculty for qtp and quality center in

he has command on:
descriptive programming
vb script
automation framework
error handling and so on

Is This Answer Correct ?    72 Yes 11 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / amar j

Yes absolutely Mr. G C Reddy is the best trainer for QTP. He
has good command on VB Script and descriptive programming.

g c reddy's track record is very good, last year (2009), he
trained just 300 people only in which nearly 280 people got

His orientation is not suitable for Non-IT graduates, only
for BTech/BE or MCA like IT graduates.

his success rate is very good and he is providing continuous
support to his old students through his websites:

www.gcreddy.com for QTP

www.gcreddy.net for Manual Testing

Is This Answer Correct ?    72 Yes 11 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / sriram kumar t

Yes, G C Reddy is a best faculty for QTP. he has sound
knowledge in VB Scripting and Framework Implementation.

G C Sir has launched a website for providing Information on
QTP that is:


it has good scripting materials

I think his content and style of teaching is not suitable
for Freshers/ Beginners. His advanced orientation and
Industry standard content suitable for Experienced as well
as Technical graduates like BTech/BE/MCA s

Is This Answer Correct ?    67 Yes 11 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / virat rao kohli

Hi friends Mr G.C Reddy is the best trainer fot QTP, so
many faculties available for qtp in Hyderabad, but they
know qtp basics only.

G C Reddy is the one and only faculty for qtp advanced
scripting. He has good command over

descriptive programming

vb script

qtp framework etc.

In hyderabad, perticularly in S R Nagar and Ameerpet areas
we can find somany qtp faculties.

In S.R.Nagar we can find 10 to 15 faculties in every street.

But don't compare that Mr. G C Reddy sir with anybody.

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 11 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / gupta

G C Reddy is the one and only faculty for qtp, who teaches
in advanced orientation.

Most of the faculties teach QTP Basic only, but Mr. G C
reddy teaches in VB Script orientation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    53 Yes 12 No

Who is the best faculty for QTP in Hyderabad? Is it Mr. G.C.Reddy, some are referring his name?..

Answer / prabhakar murthy

g c reddi is the best trainer for QTP, most of the
faculties in hyderabad teach user friendly content, but g c
reddi teaches industry oriented content.

he has launched a web site

www.gcreddy.com for QTP Scripts, it is a very good
resource to learn scripting concepts.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 10 No

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