Automation Testing AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Describe some problem that you had with automating test tool?

1 4432

Does automation replace manual testing?

5 9478

How will you choose a tool for test automation?

3 7844

what testing activity you may want to automate?

2 5407

what skills needed to be a Good test automator?

2 6063

Can anybody would u like to tell the details of Automation Framework, with example. and also give preferable books. sites. Thanks in Advance.

2 5707

How to create stubs? what is the use of Stubs and drivers? who is the responsible person of this?

4 14774

Does Microsoft Corporation, Sun Microsystems possesing any maturity levels?if yes, what is that level?


1 5266

What is ur goal when ur doing Performence Testing of an Web Application..?

4 7157

what is the General Process for Load Test..I mean General Steps?

1 4094

We have a testing assignment should be test in very short span.Do you think automated tests are the best solution for this type of scenario?

3 5735

Write a query to find second highest salary of an employee.

ABC, Cognizant, MegaSoft, Netwin Infosolutions, Nippon, Polaris, Satyam, SGS, TCS, Verisoft,

72 109366

What is Automation Testing Framework


5 27848

What is Bidirectional Tracebility, how u use it.


2 5383

What is Test strategy documents.


2 7526

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Un-Answered Questions { Automation Testing AllOther }

In Selenium how a test suit is run and report is generated.


What is a framework for automation testing?


What is the purpose of getoptions() method?


What is keyword driven automation?


Please explain how to perform load-testing?


Tell me what is an absolute xpath?


Where to maintain information like login, password and url?


Do you know what is the purpose of creating a reference variable- 'driver' of type webdriver instead of directly creating a firefoxdriver object or any other driver's reference in the statement webdriver driver = new firefoxdriver();?


What is test automation?


What is a critical bug in a testing field?


I want to learn the data base testing, how can I start my psactice? I already reading the books of basic for data base? If any other books that make my study simple please suggest.


What are the 5 common software development problems solutions?


What is the purpose of the wrun.ini file?


If i am doing the automation of test suites in a project. Then what will be the system interfaces for that?? The tools I am using or something else... please help..!!


What is the difference between automation tools and management tools?