Test Director Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the use of the Test Director software?

Logica CMG,

5 9797

What are Test Beds?


8 12060

What r the tabs in test director?

Brainhunter, Satyam,

5 18194

How many Test Managers in Test Director? Skjha2000@rediffmail.com


3 8913

How you upload test cases in to TD. Skjha2000@rediffmail.com


2 8979

What is Test case coverage? Skjha2000@rediffmail.com

Infeneon Technologies,

3 8751

How will you invoke testdirector?That means how will you open TD and how will you log defects?


2 8074

After you have completed the first phase of running the 'Test Cases' in TD, now that you have set the status of each step as Pass/Fail. How will you run the same 'Test Cases' for regression testing (say for 2rd or 3th build)?


5 9228

Hi Can anyone tell the real time usage of Test director with examples u had done in u r company


3 8672

Main Diffrences between Test Director and Bugzilla?

Vyons Labs,

1 8943

what are diadvantages of Test director?.

Ordain Solutions,

7 11876

What is test builder?

Logica CMG,

1 5643

What if you delete a test from Test Lab will it updated in Requirements/Test Plan tabs also.

Ordain Solutions,

3 8692

What is the role of snap shot in Test Director?

Ordain Solutions,

5 9116

What is test set?

Ordain Solutions,

6 19042

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Un-Answered Questions { Test Director }

Explain the procedure of connecting testdirector in qtp?


Hi All, Im currently getting to grips with the Document Generator in Test Director and have a query. We use TD to link requirements to test cases and I am attempting to produce a report which lists the requirement and the test case it is linked to. I cant see a way to do this as the test case link info resides on the Coverage page and it appears the only field available to display for requirements reports within document generator as those on the 'details' tab. Any tips?


abbreviation for CHAT?


What are the 3 views and what is the purpose of each view?


What is EXPORT AND IMPORT in Quality Center (pl. Explain with easy steps to understand.)


How do you ensure that there are no duplication of bugs in Test Director?


How can we add requirements to test cases in test director?


How to add test id to testplan?


Explain the project tree in test director?


How can we create our own defect template from test director? Is it possible in test director?


How can we export multiple test cases from td in a single go?


how many ways are there to copy test cases in test director


How can we connect defect report from testlab&testplan tabs?


What is the difference between master test plan and test plan?


Can you retrieve a test case once you have deleted them in test director?