Labor Management Interview Questions
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Does the FLSA allow for a flexible schedule for overtime eligible employees? Can employers still allow employees to work from home or have flexible schedules?

United States Department of Labor,


What are the costs and benefits of the Final Rule?

United States Department of Labor,


What are the white collar exemptions to the FLSA?

United States Department of Labor,


Why is the Department setting the standard salary level at the 40th percentile of weekly earnings for full-time salaried workers in the lowest wage Census Region and not on national data as proposed?

United States Department of Labor,


How will the Department automatically update the standard salary level and HCE total annual compensation requirement?

United States Department of Labor,


How did the Department determine the new total annual compensation requirement for highly compensated employees (HCEs)?

United States Department of Labor,


How did the Department determine which Census Region is the lowest wage Census Region?

United States Department of Labor,


Will newly overtime-eligible employees have to record their hours on a daily basis or "punch a time clock"?

United States Department of Labor,


What's the reason of 2004 standard salary level need to be increased?

United States Department of Labor,


If the effective date is December 1st, what does this mean for businesses where the pay period begins on Monday the 28th? How do they manage this?

United States Department of Labor,


Why didn't the Department set the salary threshold at a lower amount?

United States Department of Labor,


Won't this rule be difficult for employers because they will have to track workers' hours?

United States Department of Labor,


May employers make a catch-up payment in the event that an employee doesn't receive enough in nondiscretionary bonuses and incentive payments (including commissions) in a given quarter to remain exempt?

United States Department of Labor,


Is there an exemption for schools and institutions of higher education from either the FLSA or the Department's overtime regulations governing white collar workers?

United States Department of Labor,


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Un-Answered Questions { Labor Management }

Won't this rule be difficult for employers because they will have to track workers' hours?


Is there an exemption for non-profit organizations from either the FLSA or the Department's overtime regulations governing white collar workers?


Why didn't the Department set the salary threshold at a lower amount?


How many white collar workers will become overtime-eligible as a result of this Final Rule?


What if a State has its own overtime laws?


How did the Department determine which Census Region is the lowest wage Census Region?


What options are available to recipients of Federal financial assistance to respond to the U.S. Department of Labor’s final rule on overtime effective December 1, 2016?


What are the white collar exemptions to the FLSA?


How did the Department determine the new standard salary level?


Who is covered by the FLSA? Are employees of small businesses covered?


Why is the Department changing the regulations to automatically update the salary level and HCE total annual compensation level?


What is the purpose of the "Overtime" Final Rule?


What are the significant changes to the overtime regulations for white collar salaried workers?


How many employees does the Department estimate will be impacted by the salary level increases?


Does the FLSA allow for a flexible schedule for overtime eligible employees? Can employers still allow employees to work from home or have flexible schedules?