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Zycus Infotech Interview Questions
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In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all the cities starting with B, then if i type BA, then all cities starting with BA and so on. Pls anyone give me all the positive and negative test cases for this. It is urgent. Realtime questions pls.

5 10829

Three boxes labeled as red, blue and mixed.These labels are box contains red balls and another box contains blue balls and remaining one box contains both red and blue balls. Pickup one ball from any box(u should pickup ball only once) and name the correct labels.

7 89268

Without using any loops print {{{}}} (u cant use goto,for,while etc..).

6 13583

Zycus Testing Question Paper

1 7419

How to delete a node from linked list w/o using collectons?


find second largest element in array w/o using sorting techniques? use onle one for loop.

15 44556

find largest element in array w/o using sorting techniques.

3 6686

ATM machine and railway reservation class/object diagram


if array a conatins 'n' elements and array b conatins 'n-1' elements.array b has all element which are present in array a but one element is missing in array b. find that element.

18 22551

Write 5 test cases for UAT of internet Banking system

2 27022

Write an algorithm to find an palindrome

2 13284

what is requirement traceability matrix? Mention its format

4 12953

Write difference b/w waterfall model and spiral (agile)model

3 11564

What is defect life cylce

5 11768

Write test data for testing attachments of yahoo

3 20521

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Un-Answered Questions

What does executequery return?


Are you willing to relocate to any different city immediately for a project?


Tell me what is degree of a relation?


How do I make a cell on excel?


What is the impact of declaring a method as final?


saji become insolvant -what is journal entry


how to debug the errors generated from integration


Is mvc front end or backend? : Asp.Net MVC


how many parameters can integrate with fire alarm basically ?


Define corner frequency?


What are the problems that are associated with the expansion joints?


What are some ways to interact with a network?


Code the related portions of cics/cobol-i programs to gain addressability to twa area assigned to a particular task. Assme that the size of twa area is 300bytes. What are the advantages if cobol-ii is used in the place of cobol?


Is jms a protocol?


How can you increase ports of a microprocessor?