In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all
the cities starting with B, then if i type BA, then all
cities starting with BA and so on. Pls anyone give me all
the positive and negative test cases for this. It is
urgent. Realtime questions pls.

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In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all the cities starting with B, then if i ..

Answer / chandra

Here u go ...

Positive :
1. all possible single letters entry (EX: A,B etc)
2. All possible combination of multiple letters (EX: AB,
ABC etc)
3. All possible duplicate letters (EX: AA, BB, AAA etc)

1. Use integers
2. Use special chars etc

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 3 No

In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all the cities starting with B, then if i ..

Answer / saff5005

here first i need some clarity

how long should be the length of name of cities should

without that it is hard to write any test cases

i am assuming 15

+ve test cases

test steps expected output
0.enter nothing all the cities starting
from a to z should be
1.enter any one letters the cities matching that
letter should display
2> enter any 2 letters the cities matching that
letter should display
3>enter any 7 letters the cities matching that
letter should display
4>enter 15 letters the cities matching that
letter should display
5> enter 16 letters it should nit allow to
enter 16 char

like this and somemore for negative tesitng

drf%-- when entered a invalid char should dispaly a msg

note if it is in specs that it should display when entered
invalid char then we have to check for error messege
if not in spec test case willbelike this

drf%frf ---- when entered invalid char then only the
cities whose names are matching with the first 3 letter in
our case drf should be displayed

123frtg---error messge or the original display should be
shown that is cities starting from a to z

so onand so forth for this i have used bva ept techiniques

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all the cities starting with B, then if i ..

Answer / bala p

use the decision table to find out all the possible
A A B C D E ...........
You can get all the combinations also check the lenght of
the cities.

Nagative can be if you enter any blank, special characters,
numbers list should not display any cityname.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all the cities starting with B, then if i ..

Answer / rajkumargholve

Positive Test Casee
1) All possible single Letters--System should display all
entries that start with entered letter. Enter or selct by
mouse should select the entry & display properly in list
2)All possible combination of multiple characters.--System
shoul display all the entries that match the use iput.Enter
or selct by mouse should select the entry & display
properly in list box.
3) Check For Scroll Property of the combo box. If you enter
A then list will display all entries that start with A use
scroll bar or button on mose system should scroll within
entries that start with A.
4)Use of Delete or Backspace should delete the entry from
the list box.

Negative Test cases

1) If compulsory check for blank
2) Try entering the value that is not in the list e.g. If
list display Countries try entering Maharashtra etc. System
should not allow user to enter value that is not in the

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

In a listbox of cities, if I enter B, it should display all the cities starting with B, then if i ..

Answer / shashank

All the above mentioned answers are correct,to add to that based on my experience, also need to validate the behaviour of the dropdown list when the user enters a new value which is not among the list.coz i have experienced this where the value getting added in the dropdown list when entered a new value

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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