Write 5 test cases for UAT of internet Banking system

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Write 5 test cases for UAT of internet Banking system..

Answer / rahul

Writing UAT Test cases needs very good knowledge in understanding Form-Based Testing Procedures and Business Process Testing Procedures.
1. Are all fonts, colors, shading and toolbars consistent with standards and project guidelines?
2. Is the online help module available?
3. Are all date formats correct (DD-MON-YYYY) Are the date edits being correctly applied? Are dates greater than 2000 accepted?
4. Does all text wrap when displayed in the text editor?
5. Is there a scroll bar on every applicable block?
6. Is the Toolbar List button enabled only when a list of values is available for an item?
7. Do the window titles correctly identify each module?
8. Is there hint text available for all applicable items?
9. Do all of the initial 'window display' sizes fit entirely on the screen (assuming an SVGA 800x600 resolution)?
10. Are the correct items case sensitive? (i.e. Do fields allow lower case text if they should only accept upper case?)
11. Are error, warning and information messages accurate and understandable?
12. Do all DELETE operations display a ‘Delete Confirmation’ alert?
13. Does each button navigate to the correct module?
14. Is the correct module name/date/version # displayed at the top of the window?
15. Are the appropriate buttons available?
16. Are the appropriate menu options available?
17. Access to application not allowed unless user is set up in Staffs and as an active application user (as defined in user detail maintenance)

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Write 5 test cases for UAT of internet Banking system..

Answer / bye


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