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Zycus Infotech Test Cases Interview Questions
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There is a web portal that has been tested and working properly. Now a new module called as the "online shopping module" had been added. Ther are two search pages , a normal search and an advanced search page. You are responsible for only these two modules for testing Questions 1) Write the scope for testing 2)High level test scenarios 3)Test case for one high level test scenario 4) Assumptions while writing the test case 5) Questions that u might need to ask as a QA to test the application NOTE- the requiremnts wont be given. One has to assume the requirements Please tell me how to test a search page and also please help me answer the above questions

2 11901

is it necessary to write test cases in tabular form or will point wise will do.

3 10061

Write test caes on 1.excel sheet 2. gmail attachments 3.raiway ticketing 4.negative test cases on net banking

5 27984

What are the test scenario's for pen like high priority high seviority?

4 17675

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From a versioning perspective, what are the drawbacks of extending an interface as opposed to extending a class?


The application of the should retrieve data from your user’s mobile every five minutes and also the data keep in dynamodb, later on, a daily basis at a specific time the data is extracted into s3 on a per-user basis then your application is later wont to visualize the data to the user. The user is asked to optimize the design of the backend system to lower price, what would you recommend?


What are the different types of repositories in bods?


Which hormones are produced by placenta? What is their significance?


What are the types of labels?


Hi, what is use of Macros,functions and Routines..? At what situation you are used. If you know the answer please explain it. Thanks.


define what a data queue is along with a brief example of what it may be used for?


How to prevent concurrent access to my data?


How to check the already installed dependencies which are globally installed using npm?


What are the objects can archive in the SAP system and how for Finance Module ?


What restrictions are placed on method overriding?


How are Structure passing and returning implemented by the complier?


What are the central crossing points of the r/3 system?


Can you define pagerank?


What arw testing tools for xi?