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Intel Interview Questions
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Explain the concept of a Clock Divider Circuit? Write a VHDL code for the same?

3 17406

Which gate is normally preferred while implementing circuits using CMOS logic, NAND or NOR? Why?

13 34429

Insights of a Tri-State Inverter?

3 7795

Basic Stuff related to Perl?


Have you studied buses? What types?

5 15636

Have you studied pipelining? List the 5 stages of a 5 stage pipeline. Assuming 1 clock per stage, what is the latency of an instruction in a 5 stage machine? What is the throughput of this machine ?

4 12984

How many bit combinations are there in a byte?

6 10589

For a single computer processor computer system, what is the purpose of a processor cache and describe its operation?

3 10516

Explain the operation considering a two processor computer system with a cache for each processor.


What are the main issues associated with multiprocessor caches and how might you solve them?

1 9272

Explain the difference between write through and write back cache.

2 18379

Are you familiar with the term MESI?

1 10538

Are you familiar with the term snooping?

1 9424

Describe a finite state machine that will detect three consecutive coin tosses (of one coin) that results in heads.

1 17212

In what cases do you need to double clock a signal before presenting it to a synchronous state machine?

3 19451

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Intel Interview Questions

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In Designing the rating & accessories of a MCCB how to choose the type of releases..means what is the basis for selecting, thermal magnetic, electromagnetic & microprocessr based releases


How many rows is too many for excel?


What is data structure in java?


How do I write vertically in excel?


Suppose if the variable $a is equal to 5 and variable $b is equal to character a, what's the value of $$b?


Is xhtml element name case sensitive?


what are the functions of organization and staffing interface?


What is the use of multilevel list?


Write a program using call by refernce for two different classes to explain to print whether a given number is automorphic or not.


The cms is considered a web application. Is there any possibility, for example from joomla, to be controlled through a desktop application?


give 3 reasons why capital is referred to as a special liability


which book is better for rrb examination?


What is ctrl c called?


: and & modifiers.


Does .net replace com?