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Intel Interview Questions
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What si the difference between Field status Varient and Field status Group

4 10833

What is RunTime Polymorphism?

5 27269

what is difference between analog and low level recording

2 7724

how qtp identifies objects of application.

5 9854

what difference between runtime object and text object and what property they have. whether they have same properties or different properties.


what to do if application have 3 "ok" button with same logical name and same properties, how qtp can identify them.

11 15977

what is difference between wait and synchronization point.

3 13977

What is Channelsales and Corporate sales?

6 23794

What is your company Vision?

3 7018

Name the indian states in which river ganga flows?

19 65092

How to send the Mail in C# using ASP.Net ? And my Answer is as follows ?

3 5827

How you’ll convening the people if your product rate is high compare to competency?

3 6873

If the product isn’t liquidating else is dumped in dealer how you’ll liquidate?

3 6154

1. Duplicate the even numbers. -1 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,2,24,3,22 Updated Array:- 4,4,2,2,24,24,3,22,22 2. Reverse the array in a region - 1 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,2,24,3,22,41,21 Enter Region:- 2,5 Update Array:-4,41,22,3,24,2,21 3. Store first the even digits in an array and then odd digits in same array -2 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,2,24,3,22,41,21 Array 2:- 4,2,2,4,2,2,4,2,3,1,1 4. Store the count of the digits in all numbers in an array and print the count. -2 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,2,9,3,7,41,28 Array 2:- 0,1,1,1,2,0,0,1,1,1 1-1;2-1;3-1;4-2;7-1;8-1;9-1 5. Store all palindrome numbers in to another array -2 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,22,9,313,7,141,28 Array 2:- 4,22,9,313,141 6. Arrange the array in such a way that odd numbers come first and then even numbers -1 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,22,9,313,7,141,28 Update Array1:- 9,313,7,141,4,22,28 7. Store into another array by inserting it in the right place - 2 Sample I/O Array1:- 4,22,9,313,7,141,28 Array2:- 4 /4,22 /4,9,22 /4,9,22 ,313 /4,7,9,22 ,313 /4,7,9,22 ,141,313 / 4,7,9,22,28 ,141,313 8. Merge two sorted arrays in a sorted fashion - 3 Sample I/O Array 1:- 3,6,7,9,11,16 Array 2:- 1,2,5,7,20 Array 3:- 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,16,20 9. Upadte the array so that an array element is followed by its revere - 1 Sample I/O Array 1:- 13,63,74,9,11,16 Updated Array 1:- 13,31,63,36,74,47,9,9,11,11,16,16 10.Spread the digits of the array in the same array. -1 Sample I/O Array 1:- 13,63,74,9,11,16 Updated Array 1:-1,3,6,3,74,9,1,1,1,6 11.Shift the boundary of array to have only 2 digit numbers. Sample I/O Array 1:- 139,643,74,9,101,126 Updated Array 1:- 13,96,43,74,91,11,26 12.Print the largest occuring digit in an array of N numbers. Sample I/O Array 1:- 13,63,74,9,11,16 1 occurs most.

2 4098

How emergency call get through without coverage but not other call at that time?


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Why the output of map tasks are stored (spilled ) into local disc and not in hdfs?


Write a short compiled module which selects random numbers. and what function is used to call your customized compiled module?