how we can know qtp has used smart identification machanism
during the execution.

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how we can know qtp has used smart identification machanism during the execution...

Answer / jay prakash

That will be marked in the test results if QTP have used
Smart Identification during execution of the script or not.

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how we can know qtp has used smart identification machanism during the execution...

Answer / anil pujar

Whenever QTP uses smart identification for object
identification, it will be reflected in Test results.
Test result gives details like Smart identification is
enabled and it lists the properties used for smart object
identification(Basic Filter Properties and others).
In Object Repository, even we can see that Smart object
identification for an object is true or false.

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how we can know qtp has used smart identification machanism during the execution...

Answer / mahesh.babu.t

Hi his is Mahesh

We can enable the smart identification at time of recrding
an object,so that will captur the not only
mandatary,assistive properties but also take basefilter
properties and optional filter properties also

during the playback it an object is not identify it will
tke manadatary and Assistiive properties here not idntify
the object it start SI to identify the object with Base
filter and optional filter properties.

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