It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three
salaries in an EMP TABLE?

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It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / pardeep kumar

In the Above post i have given top third salary from the
Now the Query for the top three salaries.

Select distinct Top 3 EmpSal from tbEmployee order by
EmpSal Desc.
Pardeep Kumar

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It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / harish

Sorry ..above one is to find lowest threee...

This is for highest 3 salaries -

select salary
from (select salary from tablename order by salary desc)
where rownum < 4;

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / ruchi

select salary from (select salary from tbl_salary t order
by salary desc) as u limit 3;

u is the table alias,which is a must.

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It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / saranya

select salary from(select salary from tablename order by
salary desc) where rownum < 4

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It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / pardeep kumar

Let I have EmpSal column in the tbEmployee table.

Select Min(EmSal) from tbEmployee where EmpSal IN(Select
Distinct Top 3 EmpSal From tbEmployee order by empsal Desc)

If this helps you then send me the mail at

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It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / harish

select salary
from (select salary from tablename order by salary)
where rownum < 4;

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 7 No

It is a SQL question. Write a query to find top three salaries in an EMP TABLE?..

Answer / ravi kumar battula

for max 3 salarie:

SELECT TOP 3 sal from( Select DISTINCT max(sal)ORDER By sal
DESC) Order by sal;

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