A. What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness

B Explain how having more work in process inventory can
improve the efficiency of a
process. How can this be bad?

A. What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center? B Explain how having more work ..

Answer / bhagirath gupta

What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center
and why? Discuss your answer in relation to the operations
performance objectives of a fitness center

A functional layout for a physical fitness center
would be a combination of a work center format and an
assembly line. A work center is a layout format in which
similar equipment is grouped together. In many fitness
centers, you will find cardio equipment such as treadmills,
stair steppers, stationary bicycles and ellipticals all
grouped in one area. Another area might contain strength
training equipment such as free weights and weight lifting
machines. Another area might be designated for stretching
and cool down and it would contain bars, balls and
stretching equipment. Other functional areas might include
group exercise rooms for yoga, stepping classes and
cycling. An assembly line layout would be ideal for circuit
training. Circuit training is a combination of strength
training and aerobics. A person exercises from one station
to the next in relatively short intervals and when they
complete each exercise in the program they have completed a
Physical fitness centers cater to people of all ages
and gender and lends it to anyone who is interested in
improving their health. Some people may be interested in
weight training and others may be interested in cardio.
Some people would rather exercise in a group setting to
help keep them motivated. The layout of equipment is
important for safety reasons. All the different activities
and exercises can lead to a traffic jam and a potential
safety hazard “No one wants to feel cramped or suffocated
when exercising.” (Green, 2007, p. 69) Sufficient room
between exercise stations and equipment and proper flow of
traffic between work centers promote safety and an
environment fit for exercise.
Operations performance objectives of a fitness center might
include quality, cost, dependability and flexibility.
Quality and cost could be defined as a convenient, positive
environment that is an affordable place to go and improve
health. Dependability could be defined as having a safe
environment with convenient operating hours. Flexibility
could be defined as having several work-out options to
satisfy most health enthusiasts. According to Snap Fitness
CEO Peter Taunton, who polled 180,000 of his members; the
number one reason why people joined his club was
convenience, followed by quality of equipment and third was
price and cleanliness. (Knudson, 2007, p. 67)R

Green, B. (2007). Fitness Matters. Lodging Hospitality, 68-
Knudson, B. (2007). SNAP Fitness. U.S.Business Review, Vol.
8, 66-68.

What kind of layout is used in a physical fitness center
and why? Discuss your answer in relation to the operations
performance objectives of a fitness center.

A layout in a fitness center is going to be based on the
organizational objectives that are the same for any
organization of quality, cost, speed, dependability and
flexibility. For example: Curves is a circuit fitness
center for woman and the founders are considered the
innovators of the express fitness phenomenon that has made
exercise available to more than 4 million women worldwide.
They share a passion for and commitment to women’s health
and fitness. The club was an overnight success, as it gave
women a supportive and comfortable atmosphere in which to
work out. In fact, the company’s unofficial motto
became “no makeup, no men, and no mirrors.” Their
innovative, 30-minute fitness concept combined strength
training and sustained cardiovascular activity through safe
and effective hydraulic resistance (Curves, 2009). This
particular fitness club is set up for circuit training with
a resistance machine for that works two muscle groups at
each station, followed by a cardio station. Most facilities
have twelve resistance machines and thirteen cardio
stations and twice around the circuit is a full work-out.
This meets the organizational objectives of the
organization by providing a quality work-out at an
affordable cost which is quick, dependable and flexible due
to the hours of operation.

This type of layout will not work at every type of physical
fitness center because the needs and wants of another
target market likely will not be the same as those members
of Curves. The type of layout that is used at any physical
fitness center needs to begin with the strategic plan of
what are we going to offer, who are we going to offer it to
and how are we going to accomplish these goals? This is
where the order winning and order qualifying criteria come
into play. The order winning criteria are the competitive
factors which will directly contribute to winning business.
What type of services are going to be offered, what
accommodations are we going to have, how much space to we
have and how can we best utilize the space? Those are the
order qualifying criteria which are needed to compete. All
of these questions can be answered through strategic
planning and communication. Someone could open a fitness
center tomorrow, but how profitable will it be if it does
not offer the services and the flow that someone is looking
for? Once again we refer back to the doughnut model. It
starts with a strategic plan and moves to the domain which
in the area of knowledge that brings the community
together. The domain leads the community which is the group
of people for whom the domain is relevant, because it
involves the people who interact and develop relationships
that enable them to address problems and share knowledge.
That leads to the practice, or the body of knowledge which
members share and develop together. The domain, communities
and practice lead to the performance which leads to
learning, sharing, stewarding and back to strategy and the
cycle begins again (Wegner, 2004, p. 2).

That brings us back to the original question: what kind of
layout is used in a physical fitness center and why? There
is no best answer or a one size fits all approach. Whether
it is a circuit, a cell or a process, the needs of both the
organization and the members of the fitness center need to
be taken into consideration and communicated. One may join
a center to lose weight, gain muscle, and do physical
therapy to recover from an accident. Another might join
because of the spa, pool, racquetball court or the aerobics
and other classes that are offered. The company might not
have the available space to provide all the accommodations
that everyone wants, so they need to communicate with the
members, find out what they need and how they can provide
it while meeting the goals of quality, cost, speed,
dependability and flexibility for the company, as well as
meeting the same goals from an individual standpoint of all
the members.

Wegner, E. (2004). Knowledge management as a doughnut:
Shaping your knowledge strategy through communities of
practice. Ivey Business Journal, (January/February), 1-7.
Curves (2009). The workout. Retrieved November 14, 2009
from http://www.curves.com/about-curves/history.php

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