
I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers -
Performance Center. Hope you could help me.

Q : My application is intended to undergo soon the load
testing with performance center. The Vusers we planned are
100. But the dev team says that we should use 100 different
UserID/Password's & each Virtual user should login into a
different account while testing.

Firstly, is this required ? my application can handle
multiple logins for the same userid/password, hence is it
mandatory to use 100 different account when we can do the
same test with one account. If so, for 1000 Vusers we
cannot use 1000 logins right ? I need substantial info to
prove my point.

Secondly, is this possible to assign a different userid/pwd
to each Virtual user ?

Thanks in advance & awating your reply

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / bonza

It depends on what kind of scenario you wanted to verify.
If each of Vuser is required to perform some transaction
like add/edit/delete then you need 100 diff user id and
password for simplicity.

Yes, it is possible to parameterize your script to assign
different userid/pwd

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / lucky123

ifu r doing load test it is not at all the mater of diff id
& password . Suppose deffinetly u have to use 100 diff id &
password u can parameterise the script. in the same script
if u want to do load test 1000 vusers. u can insert think
time in ur script.secondly u can increase the no of iterations.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / geeta

If u are planning to do load testing then no need to apply
vusers with different userID and passwords...u are not
doing functionality test right...u wants to do
performance ...then it will go with 100 vusers with same
login details.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / kris...

you can use the same ID for 100 or 1000 users, but the best practice is using different IDs, it will be more realistic.

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / thatikonda shivakumar

Generate the script by single user id then u can go for
parametrization by Given options(Shortcut:ctrl L) and i
think for each user is having diff ip address Enable the IP

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / your ram..

Hi all,

Say in our case we have 10 scripts and each script contains
10 users(total 100 users scenario)ok.
1.create 100 user id's / passwords
2.Parametize the user id and passwords for all scripts.
3.For each script give 10 user id's and passwords in dat
file. and make sure that the input are taking unique values
4.do the same for all 10 scripts and execute the scenario
5. Enable IP spoofing If you want all user to bahave
(working like with diff ip address.

Plz correct me if iam wrong..

Your Ram..

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / abhi

hi harsha

if your application Functionality is similar to yahoo messanger functionality(if you login into yahoo with same username and password from 2 differnt location one user will be automatically loggedout)then you need to have different user i mean to say 1000 user.but if the functionality is not defined like that you can you only once account.

load runner has a feature of running all the user in different browser so each login is consider as a differnt if you use single account.

if u pump 1000 user with differnt accounts thousand recrd would be created in thousand accounts.but if you pump 1000 user for 1 accounts 1000 records would be created for once user which can help you find out any problem easily when compared with 1000 different logins.

please let me know if you need any further clarification.

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / raj

As u said that ur application allowing multiple access with
the same user id/.pwd. then u no need to go with diff user
id/pwd. U can get clicked on different account by same
id/pwd. There is a option in parametrization.

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / dhana

Do the necesary parametrization for the User ID and passwords.
For real world behaviour only we are using the differnet User ids and passwords.
But if you want you can use same password and userid for 100 or 1000 logins.
Or simple you can create the different userids and passwords.

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Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you cou..

Answer / srividya

If each acc fetches any data like a PDF file of a diff size for each user, 100 diff login maybe required to validate the response times for the transaction.

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